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Yep, it’s where I live.

Every morning as I hear my alarm go off (or actually Tara’s alarm, then Cherise’s alarm, then Jenessa’s alarm, then mine) I jump back into the consciousness of the African experience.  Some mornings I lay there and wonder if I could’ve ever dreamed up the reality that is my life.  There are hard things, and there are things that used to be hard but are in the process of getting easier.  As I un-tuck my mosquito net to set myself free for the day, I think about all that lies before me.  Ready or not, here it comes.
Something I have grown to love here is called PPI.  I’m actually not sure of what it stands for, but every Friday morning we walk to Nyamanga Primary School to teach the kids about Jesus.  Now, I love teaching, and I love Jesus, so I guess its not a mystery as to why I love PPI so much.  We’ve been able to go fairly regularly, and I’ve been allowed to teach the same class every time.
If I had my choice, I’m not sure I would ever choose to teach 6th grade.  Kids are in that awkward in-between stage of child/teenager, trying to find themselves in the midst of peer pressure and bad attitudes with a side dish of hormones added in just for fun.  Yeah – I’d probably rather be locked in a room with a rabid wolverine than 25 6th-graders.  But God gave me the 6th-graders.  And its been wicked awesome.  We’ve talked about Nehemiah, Esther, the fruit (NOT “fruits”) of the Spirit, prayer, faith and Creation.  And slowly but surely, we’ve really started to have fun.  
The girls at Nyamanga are notorious for being rougher than normal girls.  Maybe its because they’re so often the daughters of the fishermen who have a reputation for hitting the bottle and sleeping around.  Maybe its because their mothers are often so poor they have to prostitute themselves out to the fishermen to obtain fish to sell to provide a little money for their family.  Whatever the case, I’ve begun to see a light in their eyes on Friday mornings.  We sing, we play, we learn and we pray.  It’s simple.
To borrow a phrase from a giant mouse, I just want to create a learning environment where a kid can be a kid.  Especially when you’re 12.  I just want them to be 12.
I pray for their safety when the odds overwhelm me.  I know God can do a great work at Nyamanga.  I believe that with my whole heart.  No girl is overlooked, no boy is forgotten.
On Fridays its no chore to get out of bed.  Seeing God in a crowd of 12-year olds is just too good to miss.

2 responses to “Africa”

  1. Kelly and I just had a good laugh at this quote: “Yeah – I’d probably rather be locked in a room with a rabid wolverine than 25 6th-graders. But God gave me the 6th-graders. And its been wicked awesome.” LOL! Praying for your ministry Jess. End well!

  2. awesome, strong, wise, lovely, and beloved sister!

    I “miss” you. Nevertheless, I am learning so much through your experience. I won’t stop praying for you…

    keep up that tremendous faith.
    one day we’ll have time to chat, if it’s in God’s plan.

    I send you a big hug , and may the Word of Christ keep flowing from within you…

    Romans 5:5

    Your mexican, pentecostal, crazy, and grateful brother,

    [email protected]
    [email protected]